Broken Promises, Broken Bones

Broken Promises, Broken Bones

Domestic violence happens most often to women.

Broken Promises, Broken Bones


60" x 48"


Acrylic on canvas


Domestic violence happens most often to women. One in four women will experience severe physical violence by an intimate partner in their lifetime. This violence is more than just hitting, shoving, and other physical attacks. It’s a pattern of controlling behaviors: scares, insults, threatens, intimidates, humiliates, isolates, controls. The goal is to get and keep power over the other. Frequently there is a cycle of abuse during which tensions rise and an act of violence is committed, followed by a period of reconciliation and calm. These women are trapped in domestic violent situations through isolation, power, control, fear, shame, lack of financial resources or to protect children.

My painting expresses a woman's experiences of fear, diminished self-worth, anxiety, depression and sense of helplessness when trapped in a domestic violence relationship.

Information About Purchasing This Painting

This 60" x 48" oil painting is currently in my retrospective exhibition "Observation Stories: The Wild Years" at the Ormond Memorial Art Museum in Ormond Beach, Florida until October 15, 2023.

During the retrospective, the price of this painting is $1800.00

After the end of the retrospective, it will return to the retail price of $4800.00

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